Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Update – Sweden goes digital!

From tomorrow Linnaeus University goes digital-only for teaching and examination. Probably other universities will make similar decisions since the government recommended that today for both universities and upper secondary schools.

Nursery schools and elementary schools are still kept open. The reason is to keep the parents at work and to avoid infecting grandparents.

Monday, March 16, 2020

In the eye of the storm

By Urban Anjar

There is a couple of weeks since the course Open Network Learning started with me as a participant. Confusing weeks. Not only a new course and in a new subject in one dimension far away from the subjects I have formal academic credits in, but very near stuff I have worked with or tinkered with as a hobby.

But the confusing side of is more on the private level where my whife had to undergo surgery last week and on the societal level with covid-19 and all the turbulence around that. The government in Sweden has listend to the expert authorities and that means that schools and universities are open.

Working from home
But of course students, staff and faculty tries to work from home as much as possible. I have also been working partly from home but this morning I went to campus. Our normally crowded parking lot was rather empty. But the usage of the e-meeting service Zoom peaked today with 9820 users. A normal peak in February was about 3000 users (1).

Zoom users the last four weeks

Questions about Zoom, Skype for Business, headsets and web cams are now pretty common, nobody asked about that before, we had to nag about that! The need for help with projectors and microphones in lecture halls and auditoriums has instead diminished.

During the week end I found the timing right to share some of my thoughts about how to make small simple educational movies. I have played with film making for a couple of years now both as a hobby (2) and as a tool to spread knowledge about our services at the university (3, 4). I think i have refined and simplified my kit and my processes so far that I can explain what I do and how I do it ;-) (5)

Yesterday I posted The meta film - film making in a corona context on Youtube 
In the course we are divided into PBL-groups, where PBL stands for Problem Based Learning. I'm part of PBL 02. Our first exercise was to make to make a group presentation (7). Now we are investigating blogging and different aspects of private and professional aspects of network life.

Bad timing – or the best?
Is it really good timing to attend a course in a moment like that? I prefer to think that the timing is perfect. This might be the a turning point where digitalisation and distance learning really can make a breakthrough. Confusing yes! But it is the time to rethink and redo.

Circles of Confusion, Photo: Urban Anjar 2017, Model: Saga Björling
I think one of the most powerful obstacles for digitalisation and distance learning is that it is fun to stand before a group and explain stuff. Well, it's kind of scary too. But if it works out well its gives a "kick" you seldom get in other ways.

This might be the time when we learn that you can get the same or better kick sharing your skills, knowledge and creativity through digital media – if you do it well.

(1) https://status.nordu.net/zoom.html(2020-03-16)
(2) https://youtube.com/urbananjar (mostly in swedish)
(3) https://play.lnu.se/media/t/0_zh1w3olj/171977(english subtitles)
(4) https://play.lnu.se/media/t/0_zh1w3olj/171977 (english and swedish)
(5) https://youtu.be/nPlAX3h9nT4
(6) https://youtu.be/dGfwosnXJOg

Monday, March 2, 2020

Me, myself and I – some kind of presentation

I’m that IT-guy trying to explain all that digital stuff to teachers and students, to make them more comfortable and to tease them to leave their comfort zone and make more cool things with the tools they got. I’ve tried writing manuals, folders, web pages, talking, showing PowerPoint and even making instructional movies (1) and some more fun and inspiring stuff (2). Now I seek for new and better ideas. How ...
Linnaeus University, Campus Kalmar
I’ve been using social media since the early eighties, been traveling around the whole country evangelizing about the Internet in the mid nineties. When i began blogging I couldn’t find the software i needed so i wrote my own “engine”, not anything fancy like WordPress or Blogger but it could do what I needed. I'm also fond of Open Source aka Free Software. I have been using Linux and the surrounding ecosystem of programs for decades. But I'm not that fanatical. I run Windows, Mac OS, MS Office et cetera, also. There is lots of new interesting stuff out there (and some not so new ideas with new names).
Raspberry Pi, computer built for learning and tinkering. Mostly running Linux.  Compare the size with a credit card.

I like to converting ideas and concepts to pictures. Maybe thats why I like photography(3). I bought my first SLR at the age of fifteen and have been shooting since then. As a photographer I can recommend GIMP and Darktable. Two excellent programs.
Self portrait
A couple of years ago I even begun trying out filmmaking(3). Most I know about that is learned from YouTube I’ve got no formal education in that area. 

How about learning in a YouTube world? What will happen? 
